Delta Diablo
Manhole, Gravity, Interceptor, and Easement Road Improvements

Project Information

Location: Bay Point, CA

Services Provided: Biddability/Constructability Review;  Construction Management and Inspection


Alpha CM is providing construction management and inspection for this $3M Project consisting of repair and rehabilitation of critical sewer system manholes and gravity interceptors. This includes rehabilitating 30 manholes by way of new structural concrete polymer and composite liners, full sewer manhole replacements with polymer concrete manholes and structural concrete mortar spray/grout and epoxy lining with composite frames and covers. Pipeline work included removing and replacing 30-inch VCP and RCP; CIPP lining over 1000LF of 30-inch sewer line in UPRR rail right-of-way and 20-inch sewer line along Caltrans right-of-way. Work included open cut trenching, wastewater bypassing and AC paving. In addition to working within UPRR and Caltrans right-of-way, much of the work is within sensitive wetland areas and tidal influenced areas requiring detailed preplanning and coordination to meet sensitive environmental restrictions. Project required coordination with CDFW, RWQCB, Delta Conservancy, UPRR and City of Pittsburg. Alpha CM initially provided biddability/constructability review on a very short timetable in order for Delta Diablo to advertise the project on time.